Monday, April 9, 2012

The Season Begins With Some Dissapointment

We froze the plants.

We got back to the house around 2:30 am to a coating of frost on the windshields of the cars in the drive way. 

Oh no...

Sure enough, most of the tomatoes are dead but we'll see what happens.  We did what we could, brought them inside and sprayed them with water right away but the first half inch of all the pots was frozen so I don't have a whole lot of hope.  Sad.

On a happier note because I can't spend my time dwelling on what happened, I have been assigned a cool project in the corner of the garden.  I also just purchased my first piece of furniture for it!

There she is.  Cost me about 100 bucks but I'm so excited!  Here's the very ugly/rough sketch at what I'm wanting to do.

Get it?  I know that's a terrible drawing but I wanted an idea of what I'm doing.  I also was informed that the corner where drew a 90 degree angle, is actually almost rounded--45 or so instead which gives me even more space to play around with.
So it begins.

Also just received some poppies in the mail which will go there along with gladiolus.

And last but not least, we just got in the purple asparagus for planting.  We just have to find a nice permanent home for them.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you lost your plants! I covered all my cold weather seedlings and the containers were still frozen solid this morning (but they will survive just fine). The warm weather stuff spent the night in the house, thank goodness. Good luck with your project. Having a plan, no matter how rough, is the best way to get started!

